Monday, April 3, 2017


WORSHIPERS of Antinous in Mexico City today solemnly commemorated the first anniversary of the horrific murder of the first martyr saint of Antinous in Mexico: Jorge Fernandez Martínez, a victim of homophobic violence.

Our sister group Epithimia Antinous at the TEMPLO DE ANTÍNOO MÉXÍCO held vigil for him during ceremonies at the sanctuary of Santa Muerte in Tultitlán near Mexico City.

It was there, a year ago, that our brothers and sisters at the Mexico City Templo de Antínoo held the first funeral ceremony in the name of Antinous to be held since ancient times.

Jorge Fernandez Martinez was brutally murdered by unknown assailants near his home in the Mexico City suburb of Tultitlán on 3 March 2016.

Forensic tests showed he had been tortured, raped and asphyxiated. His broken body lay undiscovered for days.

Grieving neighbors who had known and loved him for nearly 20 years held a wake and asked for dignified funeral services conducted under the auspices of Epithimia Antinous with Pride Tultitlán Committee and Estamos Contigo.

The rites were held at the famous Shrine of Santa Muerte (Our Lady of Sacred Death) in Tultítlan led by Enriqueta Vargas.

Our brothers and sisters at Foundation Epithimia of Antinous Mexico says: 

"We were honored to officiate in the funeral ceremony for the repose of the soul of this beloved person in our community, Señor Jorge Fernandez Martinez, an active member member of our because Antinous abhors hate crimes.

"We share these images of the temple, the funeral and texts shared by Adolfo Voorduin Frappe and White White Fernandez , whom graciously thank for attending the rites. We thank Santa Muerte International and the godmother Enriqueta Vargas, for their loving support," the statement says.

In solemn ceremonies on Foundation Day in October 2016, Hollywood California FLAMEN ANTONIUS SUBIA announced that Jorge Fernandez Martinez formally had became a Martyr Saint of Antinous.

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